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Our self developed exam generator 


Unlimited Questions

The smartest exam generator for the HSC. You can now easily customize and generate your own exam. Simply choose your topics and EZRA will create an exam with randomised exam questions.


Exam Questions with Solutions


Exams Generated per Week


Solutions Searched by Students

Learn more about EZRA

Night Sky

EZRA: Our Exam Generator

We’ve created EZRA, our tool that allows our students to easily customise and generate their own exam papers with 12 exam style questions. You’ll never need to scrounge the internet for exams or to look through hundreds of past papers for the perfect questions. 


Have a quick look into how convenient and accessible we have made our resources for our students.




Choose up to 4 topics that you want in your exam. Select the level of difficultly suited to your requirements.

Generate your exam paper!

Full solutions can be accessed in the EZRA database but we will always have friendly tutors that can assist you even further.

Angela Zhen

North Sydney Girls High School

"EZRA was an integral part of my HSC journey and I can't imagine practicing before exams without it. It can create so many questions, all tailored to my individual needs

Lisa Ni

North Sydney Girls High School

"Using EZRA has greatly boosted my scores over the course of my HSC journey. I was able to access practice questions whenever I wanted, and allowed me to target areas of concern.

Justin Wang

Trinity Grammar School

“EZRA has been an incredible take-home experience which enables me to refine areas in which I am struggling with. By generating exam-like questions for each distinct module whilst also being accessing the exact approach to access full marks to each question”

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